Bad Things – Privacy Policy

This is the privacy policy for the Bad Things / Good Things Chrome Browser Extension.

Who we are

I am Nick Carter. I am just a developer who made the extension. I am not a company.

Data We Collect

The extension does not do anything with any data on your computer. It does not add or read cookies. It does not transmit anything off the server. It just replaces text inline in your browser. The only chance I have of knowing anything about you is if you send me an email, and then I’ll only know what is in the email.

Who we share your data with


How long we retain your data

If you send me an email, I will keep it for as long as it is useful, or until you ask me to delete it.

What rights you have over your data

If you send me an email, you can ask me to delete it. Send an email from the same address or identify yourself as the sender in some way.

Where your data is sent
